Should I Try Ginkgo Biloba?

Should I Try Ginkgo Biloba? - Source Biology

If you are interested in improving your brain function and blood flow, you may be interested in taking a Gingko Biloba supplement. In today’s fast-paced world, it is no surprise that individuals feel the need to take a vitamin or supplement to enhance their performance at school or work. Students and employees in an intellectually demanding environment stand to benefit from this amazing plant. Gingko Biloba also has a host of other benefits for the body that are worth exploring. Below we will share useful information about the benefits of Gingko Biloba and much more.

Where was the Gingko Biloba first discovered?

The Gingko Biloba is an ancient plant species. It can be traced back to prehistoric times. It is also interesting to note that a tree can live for roughly 1000 years. The Gingko Biloba tree originated in China. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

The European Engelbert Kaempfer was first encountered at the end of the 1600s. It was brought to the Americas in 1784.

Today people Gingko Biloba is used in alternative treatment regimes. It has grown in popularity in the Western world over the last few decades.

What are the health benefits of Gingko Biloba?

Gingko Biloba has several health benefits that are worth mentioning. If you or a loved one is struggling with any condition that Gingko Biloba may be able to alleviate, we encourage you to continue reading.

The benefits of Gingko Biloba are:

• Reduction in inflammation- Gingko Biloba can reduce inflammation in diseases like Cancer, IBD (Irritable bowel disease, Arthritis, and stroke

• Improvement of Brain Function- Some studies have shown that Gingko Biloba may positively impact attention span, focus, and memory. Improvements were seen in healthy individuals.

• Improved symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia- Evidence of slower cognitive decline

• Anxiety relief- possibly due to the antioxidant content

• Migraine/Headache relief- If the headache is stress-related Gingko Biloba may be helpful.

• Heart Health and Improved Circulation- Increased blood flow throughout the body.

• Improvement of Asthma symptoms- can be attributed to a reduction of inflammation

1. Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction- can be linked to improved blood flow.

Are there any side effects that I should be aware of?

Gingko Biloba is generally well tolerated. However, on the rare occasion the following side effects may arise:

• Diarrhea

• Nausea

• Headaches

• Rash

• Allergic reaction (difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of lips, tongue, throat, or lips)

• Stomach pain

You should also be aware that Ginkgo may react with antidepressants, certain pain killers, and Blood thinners.

If you notice any reaction, you should stop usage immediately.

Final Thoughts

Gingko Biloba has the potential to alleviate several ailments. Its healing power is attributed to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. As such, your health and wellness can be positively affected by this powerful plant. We are still learning about Gingko Biloba. As more information becomes available, we gain more knowledge regarding its many usages. If you are struggling with a particular ailment, we encourage you to try this potent extract. However, be sure to consult your physician to make sure it’s a safe option for you.

Check out Ginkgo Biloba with Ginseng by Source Biology here.

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